Radu Vasile, decorat post-mortem cu Ordinul Naţional "Steaua României" în grad de Cavaler

| 04 iul, 2013

Preşedintele Traian Băsescu l-a decorat post-mortem pe fostul premier Radu Vasile, cu Ordinul Naţional 'Steaua României' în grad de Cavaler.

Fostul premier al României a fost decorat 'pentru contribuţia remarcabilă la edificarea şi consolidarea statului de drept, pentru întreaga activitate pusă în slujba promovării intereselor României, pentru competenţa şi abnegaţia dovedite în actul guvernării', potrivit unui comunicat al Administraţiei Prezidenţiale.

Decorarea a fost făcută la propunerea preşedintelui Traian Băsescu, informează Administraţia Prezidenţială.

Fostul premier țărănist Radu Vasile, în vârstă de 71 de ani, a murit ieri dimineață. El suferea de cancer la colon și urma un tratament în Israel.

Radu Vasile a fost prim ministru al României între 1998 şi 1999, propus de PNŢCD. El a fost senator în legislaturile 1992- 1996, 1996 - 2000 şi 2000 - 2004 din partea Partidului Democrat.


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13 iul, 2013
It is going to be a humid couple of days. Today the deonwipt went way above what was forecast (forecast was for a 16 to 18C DP). It seems like all summer the DP has been 1 to 3 degrees higher than the popular models have indicated. I wouldn't be surprised to see a humidex advisory out either tomorrow or Thursday for high humidity. If the DP even reaches todays value again tomorrow, we could easily see a humidex value of 40 or 41 degrees, and by Thursday the humidex could reach the 42 to 45 range (at the very most).Still looking good for some severe weather on Thursday, these high deonwipts will only help the situation. Rob...are deonwipts still being enhanced by evapotranspiration off the crops, or is this purely transported moisture?
13 iul, 2013
I suspect there's still some evsaptronapiration going on, mainly due to the delayed growing season this year and this past week's heat.. corn for example, a major moisture source, is just maturing now in many areas which is later than usual. Dewpoints south of us in ND were only in the midteens (e.g. Fargo) so I suspect the higher dewpoints we saw today were locally enhanced.Even so, I was surprised how humid it got this afternoon after such a cool morning (down to 11C) Those southerly winds will be even stronger tomorrow (gusting 60 up the valley) which will help ventilate those hot and humid conditions somewhat. As Scott alluded to, looks like we could see some severe weather by Thursday evening as cold front approaches SW MB. Looks like we're finally getting our July weather! http://vjfxllupol.com [url=http://ezudjhyjl.com]ezudjhyjl[/url] [link=http://zxqjygsvy.com]zxqjygsvy[/link]
09 iul, 2013
That's what we've all been wtaiing for! Great posting!