Daniel Constantin: Cauza absorbţiei scăzute a fondurilor europene sunt concedierile din agricultură

| 06 iun, 2013

Ministrul Agriculturii, Daniel Constantin, acuză gradul scăzut de absorbţie a fondurilor europene în agricultură, pe care îl pune pe seama concedierilor care au avut loc, în 2010, în agenţiile de plăţi şi intervenţii în agricultură.

El a declarat, joi, la Iaşi, că Agenţia de Plăţi şi Intervenţii în Agricultură are în evaluare 65.000 de dosare, iar funcţionarii instituţiei nu fac faţă volumului mare de muncă.

"Cred că aveam o capacitatea mai mare de absorbţie, dacă nu se făceau reduceri de personal în 2010 la agenţiile de plăţi. Agenţiile de plăţi, fondurile europene, sunt o prioritate naţională. S-au tăiat atunci 160 de posturi, iar astăzi nu mai facem faţă pe de o parte evaluării de proiecte, iar pe de altă parte cererilor de plată care vin de la fermieri. Este un efort supraomenesc care se face de către angajaţii de acolo", a afirmat Constantin.

Ministrul Agriculturii şi-a manifestat speranţa că în 2013 România va reuşi să absoarbă toţi cei 1,3 miliarde de euro din Programul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală.

"În 2013, avem două obiective. În primul rând să atragem cele 1,3 miliarde de euro pe dezvoltare rurală, astfel încât să nu avem dezangajări, iar pe de altă parte să atragem mult mai mult pentru a uşura activitatea din anii următori. Până la finalul anului 2015, trebuie să atragem toate fondurile pentru a nu returna cei opt miliarde de euro sau o parte din cei opt miliarde pe care îi avem la dispoziţie pentru dezvoltare rurală".

Daniel Constantin a avut, joi, la Iaşi, o întâlnire cu şefii instituţiilor deconcentrate din subordinea Ministerului Agriculturii.


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12 iul, 2013
As of today a week ago I finished the book by Sir James Knowles cealld The Adventures of King Arthur and His Knights. It is a nonfiction recall on King Arthur's life, from birth to death. Including him pulling the sword from the stone to reclaim his place as king. The book also recalls on Merlin and the friendship he had with the King, they had each others backs since they were young. My favorite part was that of his wife, Guinevere. She is out going and very supportive. I also injoyed all the battles including the Battles of Celidon Forest and Badon Hill. They were my favorite, the odds were against them and the King still came out on top.All though this book was rather difficult to read having my Kindle to read it on made it easier. I had to look up a lot of words and had to reread several sentances. I really injoyed the book I became more informed on King Arthur, I love him and all his stories. Most of my class mates might find it difficult and boring but anyone who injoys King Arthur should diffenitly read it.2652
09 iul, 2013
You're right we can't make assumptions about Google's moaivttions as Google has every right to decide who gets to use their Google for non-profits; However, this was not the bone of contention. It was the very narrow, well-defined list of restrictions which excludes a lot of faith-based groups from using the service while, at the same time, allowing other non profits to use the service. It can't be proven whether Google is anti Christian or not. But, it appears that they have no problem with excluding many faith-based organizations from using their suite of tools. The more you study their terms of service you will find that Google holds all of the cards. If you are going to play in their sandbox, they reserve the right to change the terms at any time. Now, really what church or other faith-based organization would want to do business with an entity who could change their terms at any time and leave them without recourse? I say keep the IT guy but run Linux in your church or faith-based organization and control your data and operations on your OWN terms That is MY advice and I am sticking to it.